Tokyo-hot claims omany as froud site, ont top page like above picture.
I have no experiences of froud of my creditcard info, although this could be defamation, they clearly displays name of sites, so omany would alarming.
援交モノも超有名なものを少しだけ置いてます。※(美少女物語05エリちゃん、実録 本物素人 みき&まこ、など)
Review & rate for Omany
Omany is the adult site that mainly contains AV actress movies.
Omany has raised charge 28 dollars per 30 days from 19.8 dollars per 30 days at November 2008. So I had joined and inspected Omany, before.
Omany was one of lowest charge adult site. but now, it is ended.
Mostly, there’s AV actress movies.
Of course, there’s amateur posted movies. and foreign movies. but these are 100.
Also, there is enjokousai movies that famous only.
Mostly movies can be downloaded in 1000kbps to 1500kbps. But, old movies have no whole download link.
Download limit is 5GB a day, it is larger than standard among other sites.
Number of movies is 1400.
Amount is 28 dollars a month, it is still lower .
Bitrate of Whole download is 1500kbps, this is good point.
Just in case of recurring more than 31 days, you will be VIP member. This is good point too.
So, Omany is Highly cost performance site than other AV actress adult sites.
Looks of women of Omany is either beautiful or bad.
Here is the list of AV actress that chosen by Omany stuffs » S rank actress.
If you want to download AV actress movies in lower cost, Omany is one of choice.
Because of the above, I have rated Omany ★★★★★.
Note that, if you want to keep VIP member, you must be careful to your creditcard expiration date. Omany does not change creditcard info. So, you will lost the right of VIP member, when your creditcard is expired.
オススメ度 Rank |
★★★★★ |
月額 Monthly fee |
入会金(Admission fee) $10 30日(30days) $28 90日(90days) $80 180日(180days) $150 360日(360days) $280 |
VIP会員 VIP member |
31日以上継続でVIP会員になれます。 You will be VIP member when you reach more than 31 days of member. |
対応クレジットカード Creditcard |
VISA / MasterCard / JCB |
クレジットカード明細 Creditcard statement |
オマニーからの引き落とし分は全て、カードご利用明細書の 「ご利用店名」には「EA CARD CS@EN-AC.COM」「CS@EN-AC.COM」と記載されます。「アダルトサイト」「オマニー」などの表記はありません。 All charges of Omany will be printed to be “EA CARD CS@EN-AC.COM”, “CS@EN-AC.COM” on creditcard statement. There’s no notation of “adultsite” and “Omany″ on it. |
セキュリティー Security |
オマニーではLIVECHARGEによる代理決済を行っており、個人情報の流出や、クレジットカード番号の流出を防ぐ為に、GeoTrustによる128bitのSSLを使用して送信時に個人情報・クレジットカード情報などはすべて暗号化されます。 Omany uses charge agency LIVECHARGE. LIVECHARGE uses 128bit SSL by GeoTrust for prevent leakage of personal info and creditcard number. All your info will be encrypted. |
入会方法 How to join |
Omanyのサイトにある入会案内リンクをたどって、SSL-CREDITという決済代行会社の決済フォームを開き、メールアドレス、氏名、電話番号、クレジットカード番号、CVVコード、有効期限などの必要事項を入力し、送信してください。 Click through the link for join guide, and open the order form of SSL-CREDIT corp that is payment agency, input requirements that are mail address, name, phone number, creditcard number, CVV code, expiration date, then send it. 折り返し、決済確認のメールが届いたら、ID/PWを確認してメンバーページへアクセスしてください。 When you will get the confirmation mail, check ID/PW that written on the mail, and then access to member page. |
退会方法 How to leave |
会員期間終了日までに退会処理してください。 You must send the cancellation-form, before expiration of member period. 退会処理時点でダウンロードできなくなります。 After the cancellation-form is confirmed, you can not download movies. |
動画作品数 Number of movies |
約1400 about 1400 |
画質 Resolution & bitrate |
640*480 640*480 |
ダウンロード制限 Download limit |
1日5GB 5GB a day. |
更新頻度 Update frequency |
1日1作品 1 movie a day |