詳しくは → SBS系アダルトサイトで20%割引キャンペーン
*093 club will be marged to this jukujo-club at 15th December 2010.
*Originaly, they were splited from the one site named Mangekyou, so they will get back to the original site.
- 30代の熟女人妻から50代の初老の老婆まで、全年齢そろってます。
- 月額会費は業界標準より10ドルほど安い38ドル。
Review and rating for Jukujo-club
Jukujo-club is the adult movie site of MILF that had transfered from the site named Mangekyo. It had splited in two sites to 093-club. Jukujo-club is very similar to 093-club, so both reviews are mostly similar.
- There is all ages of MILF from 30s to 50s.
Basicaly there are sex movies with amatuer MILF, are AV actresses of MILF, virtual incest and sex with pregnant woman. Minority is white woman MILF. And there are some adult anime of MILF.
Looks of women is mixture of wheat and chaff. Beautyfull women are in VIP section, but there is women who is why in here. I feel that the site inflates VIP movies.
- Monthly fee is 38 dollars that is 10 dollars lower than standard.
Number of movies is 2000, about 400 of them are VIP movies. One of sites have many movies among adult movie sites of MILF.
Download limit is 10GB a day.
So you would never experience that you can not download movies because of download limit.
You would not able to spend 10GB.Although, it was decreased to 5GB for normal member. (^_^;)
But VIP member still can download til 10GB.Quality of screen is 1500Kbps as standard(it will be beautyfull screen along this value more larger), size of screen is 640*480.
Although, whole download movie is 700Kbps of quality and 320*240 of size of screen.
Monthly fee is lower 38 dollars, number of movies is over 2000 that this is high class among other similar sites.
Because of the above, I have rated Jukujo-club を* * * * *.
オススメ度 | ★★★★★ * * * * * |
月額会費 |
一般会員 即VIP会員 C2-Pointという、有料ポイント支払いも始まりました。課金時に金額の10%がポイントで還元されます。 |
VIP会員 VIP member |
61日以上継続でVIP会員になれます。 You will be VIP member when you will reach more than 61 days of member. |
対応クレジットカード Creditcard |
クレジットカード明細 Creditcard statement |
熟女倶楽部からの引き落とし分は「e-generaltech.com」または「maxx-international.com」「dwservbill.com」と表記されます。 All charges of Jukujo-club will be printed to be “e-generaltech.com“, “maxx-international.com“, “dwservbill.com” on your creditcard statement. |
セキュリティー Security |
熟女倶楽部では個人情報の流出やクレジットカード番号の流出を防ぐ為に、StarfieldやGo Daddy.comによる128bitのSSLを使用して送信時に個人情報・クレジットカード情報などはすべて暗号化されます。 Jukujo-club uses 128bit SSL by “Go Daddy.com” or “Starfield” for prevent leakage of personal info and creditcard number. All your info will be encrypted. |
入会方法 How to join |
熟女倶楽部のサイト上部にある「入会案内」をたどって入会プランを選びます。 Click “Registration” link above of the site, and select plan you want. |
退会方法 How to leave |
会員期間終了の一週間前までに退会処理してください。 入会案内ページにあるリンクか、「よくある質問」内のリンクをたどって、退会フォームに必要事項を記入して、送信してください。 You must send cancelation-form, before 1 week of expiration of member period. |
動画作品数 Number of movies |
約4000 about 4000 |
画質 Resolution & bitrate |
640*480(分割高画質(parted movie)) / 320*240(1本丸ごとダウンロード(whole of movie)) 1500kbps~2000kbps(分割高画質(parted movie)) / 700kbps(1本丸ごとダウンロード(whole of movie)) |
ダウンロード制限 Download limit |
10GB/日 10GB a day |
更新頻度 Publish cycle |
1日1~3作品 1-3 movie a day |