Hamekko has transfered to StreetGALS at 20 June 2009. Their number of muvies was about 2000, but currently it is very decreased to 580. I will publish new review, when I join to member later.
Review and rate for Hamekko
Hamekko is the adult site that mainly contains amatuer movies. They was peechbomb, but recantly thier site name and domain are changed, because of owner is changed for sheized child porno.
Hamekko is all genre of amatuer site. Amatuer sex movies, peeping amatuer people, and movies that are leaked from wiiny(P2P).
And, peeping sports players in toilet, also telecamera. Idols movies too.
Before days, they have enkou movies. Recently, they are deleted.
Incidentally, Hamekko’s movies are same to SweetyCandy.
Monthly fee is $39 that is changed from $29 when they were peechbomb.
But, this fee is lower than other amatuer sites ($48 in h4610, $48.5 in Tennen-Musume).
Bitrate of mostly movies is 1500kbps, but new movies will be 2000kbps.
But, whole download is 700kbps, this is bad point.
Download limit is 10GB.
Update frequency is 1 to 2 movie a day.
If you want to download amatuers of Japanese, Hamekko is fit to you. Because This site is lower fee.
Because of above, I rate Hmakko *****.
Incidentally, I recommend you to download winny movies first. These will be deleted, if someone protest to Hamekko.
オススメ度 Rank |
★★★★★ ***** |
値段 Price |
クレジット決済か、電子マネー「CLIP$」を利用できます。 登録料 5ドル or 500cps 30日(30days) $39 or 4300cps |
VIP会員 VIP member |
61日以上継続でVIP会員になれます。 You will be VIP member when you reach more than 61 days of member. |
対応クレジットカード Creditcard |
VISA / MasterCard / JCB / Amex |
クレジットカード明細 Creditcard statement |
ハメっ娘からの引き落とし分は、VISA / Mastercard / JCBは「STAR NET」と表記されます。 All charges of Hamekko will be printed to be “STAR NET″ on creditcard statement of VISA/Mastercard/JCB. On Amex, it’ll be printed to be “PURE BLUE LIMITED”. There’s no notation of “adultsite” and “Hamekko″ on it. |
セキュリティー Security |
ハメっ娘では個人情報の流出やクレジットカード番号の流出を防ぐ為に、グローバルサインによる128bitのSSLを使用して送信時に個人情報・クレジットカード情報などはすべて暗号化されます。 Hamekko uses 128bit SSL by “Go Daddy.com” to prevent leakage of personal info and creditcard number. All your info will be encrypted. |
入会方法 How to join |
ハメっ娘のサイトにある入会リンクをたどって決済フォームに必要事項を入力してください。 Click “join link”, and then write “join form”, and send it. |
退会方法 How to leave |
会員期間終了の一週間前までに退会処理してください。 入会案内ページにあるリンクか、「よくある質問」内のリンクをたどって、退会フォームに必要事項を記入して、送信してください。 You must send cancelation-form, before 1 week of expiration of member period. |
動画作品数 Number of movies |
約1200 about 1200 |
画質 Resolution & bitrate |
640*480(分割高画質(parted movie)) 720*480(新作のみ) 1500kbps~2000kbps(分割高画質(parted movie)) 320*240(1本丸ごとダウンロード(whole of movie)) 700kbps(1本丸ごとダウンロード(whole of movie)) |
ダウンロード制限 Download limit |
10GB/日 10GB a day |
更新頻度 Publish cycle |
1日1~2作品 1-2 movie a day |