
2Candys had been merged to X1X.com at 1st March 2012.
After merged, existing ID, password are allowed as it is.
2Candys will be maerge to X1X.com
- ここのAV女優は美形が多く、菅野亜梨沙や白石ひよりもあります。ロリ系もあります。スカイハイシリーズやレッドホットシリーズもありました。カリビアンコムとXVNを折衷した感じの品揃えですね。
先頃DTI 側(ドリームファクトリー)は「カリビアンコム初め、D2PASS加入サイトのコンテンツ無断使用について、TMPを告訴、法的手段にて現在対応中です。」と回答しています。
※TMP とは、2Candysが所属する管理会社のことです。2011年追記。
今になっても上記シリーズは配信中なんで、権利関係の噂はどうなんでしょうね。 - それと、東京熱の動画もたくさんありますが、これらも配信許可の無い動画かもしれません。
- 価格は、38ドル/月で業界標準の50ドルよりも10ドルほど安いです。
2Candysを含むTMP 系のサイトは、クレジットカードの不正請求の苦情がネットの匿名掲示板などでたまに見つかります。自分はTMP系サイトからもどこからも不正請求を受けた経験が無いので半信半疑ですが、許諾の無い配信をしていることから、不正請求があってもおかしくは無いじゃないでしょうか。
ただ、38ドルでカリビアンコム、一本道などのスカイハイシリーズやレッドホットシリーズ、スカイエンジェル、また東京ホットの動画が見れるのは安いんですよねヾ( ̄o ̄;)
Review & rate for 2candys
2candys mainly contains hawt AV actress movies.
I had searched sites as alternative XVN, and then found “Ozawa Maria’ mesnote” and “Kosaka Meguru’ retire” in 2candys. so I had joined to research.
Recenlty, 2Candys has been renewaled and launched PPV.
So, 2Candys has been chaged to nearly same Caribbeancom that has same system.
Because, member of both sites watch monthly movies, and if he lke such actress, buy other movie of same actress as PPV.
- There’s Kanno Arisa, Shiraishi Hiyori, and many beautiful AV actresses, and Lolitishes actresses. like Sky-high series and Red-Hot series.
So I feel that 2candys is mixtured Caribbeancom and XVN.
From 2010, SASUKE series had be distributed too.Although, these movies would not licensed. DTI who has license says that we are preparing to legislative responses against TMP for unauthorized use contents of D2Pass includes Caribbeancom.
*TMP is the company which has 2candys.Added at 2011.
There is movies that mentioned above. So its rights would be safe. - And, there are many movies of Tokyo-Hot. But these movies would not be licensed.
*Recently, Tokyo-Hot movies can’t be found. According to 2Candys I’ve contacted, these movies are deleted.And contains some amateur movies, animations.
- Monthly fee is 38 dollars a month, it’s 10 dollars lower than among standard adult sites.
Resolution is 640*480, bitrate is 1500kbps, these are standard, too.
And, No download limit, so you can download any as you want. Old days, there were whole download link, but recently such links are deleted.
After 22 april 2011, they had launched “Fast download”.
This is limited for long period member whoes reached more than 1 year, and got faster than normal member’s download speed.
I have tried to download actualy, its speed seems unstable but its peek speed is increased faster.Number of movies is pretty large 1300.
Lower monthly fee and mainly contains beautiful women are good point, but these movies are not licensed. So I rate 2candys * * * * – down.
There are some claims for unauthorized use of creditcard in TMP group sites includes 2Candys. I have no experiences such use from TMP and others, but they are distributing non licensed movies, so I am not surprised for such claims, there would be some unauthorized use.
Although, 38 dollars of monthly fee is lower, because you can watch skyhigh seriese, skyangel seriese, redhot seriease, and Tokyo-Hot movies, etc.=-)
*All Tokyo-Hot movies are deleted.
オススメ度 Rank |
★★★★☆ * * * * – |
値段 Price |
30日(30days) $38 TMPフリーパス(TMP freepass) $199.99 |
VIP会員 VIP member |
90日以上の会員か、91日以上継続でプラチナ会員になれます。 You will be platinum member when you reach more than 91 days of member, or join to more 90 days member.. |
対応クレジットカード Creditcard |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
クレジットカード明細 Creditcard statement |
2candysからの引き落とし分は全て、カードご利用明細書の 「ご利用店名」には「GMF」または「TMPBill.com」と記載されます。「アダルトサイト」「2candys」などの表記はありません。 All charges of 2candys will be printed to be GMF, or TMPBILL.COM on creditcard statement. There’s no notation of “adultsite” and “2candys″ on it. |
セキュリティー Security |
2candysではGMFによる代理決済を行っており、個人情報の流出や、クレジットカード番号の流出を防ぐ為に、GeoTrustによる128bitのSSLを使用して送信時に個人情報・クレジットカード情報などはすべて暗号化されます。 2candys uses settlement agency GMF. GMF uses 128bit SSL by GeoTrust for prevent leakage of personal info and creditcard number. All your info will be encrypted. |
入会方法 How to join |
Click “join link”, and then write “join form”, and send it. |
退会方法 How to leave |
会員期間終了の一週間前までに退会処理してください。 メンバーページの末端にあるリンクをたどって、退会フォームに必要事項を記入して送信してください。 You must send cancellation-form, before 1 week of expiration of member period. |
動画作品数 Number of movies |
約1300 about 1300 |
画質 Resolution & bitrate |
640*480(分割高画質) 640*480(Parted movie) |
ダウンロード制限 Download limit |
なし none |
更新頻度 Publish cycle |
1日1作品 1 movie a day |